About RPCS
Tsé Nitsaa Deez'áhí Diné Bióltagi,
Niha'átchíní, Diné dóó Bilagáana
K'ehgo Óhoo'aahígíi, T'áá ahxeelt'éego
yaa nitsékeesgo, Náásgóó Kéyah
nináneel'áaji' Yee át'éego liná
bidzilii yee neilée dooleet
Rock Point Community School will provide innovative and quality education to strengthen each student to succeed in a global society and maintain their Dine language and cultural uniqueness.
Ba'óltaí t'áa altso dilzin
Diné t'áá altso baa ahééh hwiinidzin
Ớ'ool'iit t'áa altso dilzin
Laanaaii t'aa altso bik'eh áhoonít
Otta'í t'áá altso óhoo'aah yíneel'á
táá ákwij óhoo aah
azhéé dóó amá t'áá altsxogo áltsé na'nitin
Every Teacher is Respected Every Individual is Celebrated
Every Culture is Revered Every Dream is Achieved
Every Student is Capable of Learning.
Every Day is a Learning Day
Every Parent is the First Teacher
A Brief History
The Welcome to Rock Point Community School. We are a K-12 day school (no longer a boarding school) serving students from neighboring communities such as Round Rock, Rough Rock, Mexican Water, and Sweetwater. About 400 students attend Rock Point and our mascot is the sacred Cougar that represent the Honal ghai ahnii clan group.In 1935 a school was established and built by the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) made of the red sandstone that surrounds our beautiful community which still stands on the west end of the campus.
The governing board in 1972 established a contract with the BIA after the Public Law 93-638 went into effect where local communities were allowed to control their own school. As a result, the board established its own curriculum, hired its own teachers, and Dinel language and culture became the focal point to establish literacy and other academic areas.
Rock Point's geographic location holds stories of historical significance. One in particular is that this area is considered a valley of cornfields. The rock formations represent cornstalks while the deep canyons represent the vines of squash, watermelons, and cantaloupes. At RPCS, educating children is like that of corn growth, a delicate process.
Our Mission
Rock Point Community School will provide innovative and quality education to strengthen each student to succeed in a global society and maintain their Dine language and cultural uniqueness.