Dine Studies
Vision: Revitalizing of the Diné Language
The purpose of the Diné Studies is to instruct, inform, inspire, challenge, and support the proper cultural rearing of our Diné children so they can be respectful to themselves, others and their environment. Our Diné Language and Cultural Heritage are our primary means of conveyance to our cultural knowledge system; we want to bring high self esteem and to maintain dignity for our Diné Children. Through the sacred Diné Philosophy of Education, we set high standards for our children and challenge them mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, to live the Si’ah Naaghai Bik’eh Hozhoon
The Diné Studies Department believe that from an indigenous perspective, the mother language serves as a basic and fundamental source of identity, sacredness, strength of an individual, family and community. Furthermore, with an early attention to cognitive development, a sense of identity, and a social and cultural knowledge that promotes nurturing the Diné Child as a whole, they will succeed well in life.